No, consuming fruits does not cure cancer

Circulated by word of mouth, the rumor claims that “eating fruits cures or kills cancer.” This information is likely to give false hope to those suffering from the disease and mislead the public.

However, this claim is false and has been contested by health specialists that Centrafrique Check was able to contact.


Consuming certain fruits does not cure cancer but can protect the body’s cells, according to a cancer specialist.

In an interview with Centrafrique Check, Dr. Guy-Roger Dote, an oncologist at the Community Hospital of Bangui, stated that “certain fruits like grapefruit, lemon, tangerine, and orange contain antioxidants, specifically vitamin C, which helps protect the body’s cells, but to say that consuming fruits can definitively cure cancer is false.”

Dr. Mbary Siollo Mada Bebelou, Head of the Nutrition and Food Hygiene Department at the Ministry of Health, affirmed that: “Consuming fruits can help prevent certain cancers, particularly digestive cancers, but it does not cure cancer.”

Dr. Eloi Mbolinani, a general practitioner at the Community Hospital of Bangui, added that “the consumption of fruits in general is recommended in human nutrition; it allows the body to acquire certain substances essential for well-being,” he emphasized.

We conducted a keyword search for “Fruits cure cancer” on Google. Among the search results, we found a fact-checking article by Agence France Presse published on July 28, 2021, at 17:38, which highlights that eating fruits on an empty stomach does not cure cancer.

This information comes in a context where cancer remains a very dangerous disease that requires significant economic resources to reduce its risks. Effective cancer treatment must follow strict and approved protocols, involving multiple disciplines, depending on the type of cancer and its stage of progression. However, no scientific study shows that eating fruits can definitively cure cancer.


This rumor claiming that consuming fruits can cure cancer is false.

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