What can we know about unsafe abortion?

The Central African Republic continues to grapple with unsafe or clandestine abortion, a phenomenon that affects many parts of the world. Although Central African law prohibits voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) according to the penal code, this practice remains prevalent. In this article, Centrafrique Check highlights the causes and consequences, as well as how to prevent them, based on insights from medical specialists.

Understanding Unsafe Abortion

Unsafe abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by individuals lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to medical standards, or both. Some concrete examples include:

Traditional Herbs

Corrosive or toxic mixtures (such as chlorine or battery acid)

Incorrect medications from private pharmacies

Insertion of dangerous objects into the body, such as metal rods, cassava stems, sharp instruments, or probes into the vagina or anus


In many parts of the world, women lack access to sexual education, contraception, or safe abortion services. This drives them to resort to risky or dangerous methods that endanger their lives. The lack of awareness about this issue and the unwelcoming attitude in some community health centers are other factors contributing to the persistence of unsafe abortions.

An article published by TV5 Monde on the state of abortion in 2023 mentions: “Worldwide, in 2023, a woman dies every nine minutes due to a clandestine abortion. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 39,000 and 47,000 women die each year from unsafe abortions.”

The Law on Abortion in the Central African Republic

In the Central African Republic, voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion) is prohibited by Law No. 10.001 of January 6, 2010, particularly Articles 78-79.

Article 78 of the Central African Penal Code states: “Anyone who, through food, beverages, medicines, manipulations, violence, or by any other means, attempts to procure or induce the abortion of a pregnant woman or a woman presumed to be pregnant, whether with or without her consent, shall be punished with imprisonment from one to five years and a fine of 200,000 to 2,000,000 francs.”

Exceptions Defined by Central African Law

Article 79 provides for therapeutic abortion in specific cases:

1. When it is proven that the child will be born with severe or incurable physical or mental disabilities.

2. When the pregnancy seriously endangers the life of the mother.

3. When the conception occurred as a result of rape, incest, or when the pregnant minor is in a hospital.


According to the AMOCO study, complications from abortion remain a major cause of maternal mortality worldwide, and the rate of deaths related to this cause has decreased very little over the past decade, unlike deaths from other major causes like hemorrhage, infection, or dystocia. Global estimates show that most abortion-related deaths result from unsafe, induced abortions, with 97% occurring in low- or middle-income countries. More information is available here.

These deaths could largely be prevented by providing comprehensive abortion care, including post-abortion care, contraceptive services, and safe induced abortion services. With 829 deaths per 100,000 live births, the Central African Republic has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. Complications related to abortion contribute significantly, with a study by the Central African Ministry of Health and UNFPA estimating that they account for nearly one in four maternal deaths (14%), according to an online fact sheet from MSF.

How to Prevent Unsafe Abortions

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unsafe abortions can be prevented through:

Sexual education

Effective use of contraception

Provision of medicalized abortion services

For more detailed information, consult here.

Contacted by Centrafrique Check on this issue, Ngbale Norbert Richard, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and a researcher at the University of Bangui, urges women, especially young girls, to be aware of the dangers associated with this practice. “There are free contraceptive methods available at health centers, which they can use to avoid unsafe abortions in the Central African Republic.”

It is important to note that in the Central African Republic, abortion is the leading cause of maternal mortality. With 829 deaths per 100,000 live births, the Central African Republic has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. A study conducted by the Central African Ministry of Health and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) found that complications related to abortion account for nearly one in four maternal deaths.

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