
Traditional potions that cure HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B and C already discovered?

The National Center for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS (CNLS) denies recognizing any currently effective medications that can eradicate HIV/AIDS as well as Hepatitis B and C.

A post has resurfaced recently on Facebook, illustrated with images of various potions in yellow containers and liters, accompanied by a caption claiming that remedies for HIV/AIDS, as well as Hepatitis B and C, are now available in the Central African Republic and across Africa. This information was first published in the Facebook group AUVERT PABLO on June 17, 2022, and was later shared by the COALITION FOR THE REFOUNDATION OF CENTRAL AFRICA (CRC).

The post states: “Good news for patients with HIV/AIDS, viral Hepatitis B and C, and metabolic diseases. Definitive cure for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis.” Do not believe this information, as no scientific evidence has confirmed it.

To address this, we interviewed Dr. OUAMBITA-MABOROC, a public health advisor at the National Center for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS (CNLS), who refuted this claim: “This is completely false. In medicine, there must be evidence, documentation, or experiences before we can definitively confirm a remedy, but we are not at that stage yet, and the same applies to Hepatitis B and C.”

According to MARIE CHARLOTTE BANTHAS BATA, Director of the Fight Against Transmissible Diseases, “Aside from ARV medication, there are no other appropriate remedies for combating HIV. For ARVs to be effective, they must be taken regularly without interruption.”

According to the official UNAIDS website, combination treatment involving at least three different antiretroviral drugs is now the standard for all newly diagnosed HIV-positive individuals. Combined antiretroviral treatment prevents HIV from multiplying and can make the virus disappear from the blood. This allows the patient’s immune system to recover, fight infections, and avoid the development of AIDS and other long-term effects of HIV infection.

Additionally, according to the official website of the Swiss Medical Review, the currently available treatments for Hepatitis B and C outside of protocols are: standard interferon-alpha (IFN-α) or pegylated interferon-alpha (PEG-IFN-α), lamivudine (LAM), and adefovir dipivoxil (ADV). As with Hepatitis C treatment, PEG-IFN-α, administered in a single weekly injection, has proven more effective than IFN-α.

By Boris Zekema AFC

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