
Beware of the letter circulating on social media that is falsely attributed to Mr. Manker Ndiaye, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General

A supposed letter from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Central African Republic and Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), allegedly addressed to His Excellency Mr. Antonio Guterres on January 14, 2022, has resurfaced online. This is a fake document that should be approached with caution.

Widely shared across various discussion groups on platforms like WhatsApp and Messenger, this document has also circulated in closed groups on social media. It claims to reveal the motivations of Mr. Manker Ndiaye regarding factors that influenced his decision to step down from his role as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Central African Republic.

The document includes excerpts such as: “Furthermore, some contingents of MINUSCA systematically choose to engage with the rebels for non-profit purposes, as has been evident to my great dismay, I am unable to influence these activities…” Be cautious about the authenticity of this document!

Why is this document fake and not authentic?

To verify the authenticity of this letter, the fact-checking editorial team of the Central African Fact-checkers Association (AFC) contacted Mr. Manker Ndiaye through the spokesperson of MINUSCA, who completely rejected the authenticity of this document.

According to MINUSCA, the document is filled with lies intended solely to manipulate the population. The circulation of this fake document highlights the dangers of disinformation and manipulation for our societies and the efforts of those working for peace in the Central African Republic.

Contacted by AFC via WhatsApp on Friday, February 11, 2021, at 10:11 PM, Vladimir Montero, spokesperson for MINUSCA, refuted this manipulative information:

“This document came to us through social media. Obviously, it is filled with lies intended solely to manipulate the population. These lowly tactics will not succeed.”

He further stated:

“At the same time, the circulation of this fake document shows how disinformation and manipulation pose a danger to our societies and to the work of those fighting for peace in the CAR. We must combat this scourge, and MINUSCA is committed, alongside all those determined to put an end to it.”

For several years, marked by militaro-political conflicts in the Central African Republic, international institutions have been targeted by those spreading false information. Furthermore, it should be noted that even humanitarian-oriented NGOs have been victims of this phenomenon. In 2020, a similar fake document circulated online, falsely attributed to UNICEF, which the AFC verified as non-authentic. The current case involving MINUSCA and Mr. Manker Ndiaye follows this pattern.

A document circulating on social media claims to affirm the authenticity of a letter allegedly sent by Mr. Manker Ndiaye to the UN Secretary-General, acknowledging the misconduct of MINUSCA in the CAR. After verification by the Central African Fact-checkers Association, it was found to be false and non-authentic.

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